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The website, hereinafter referred to as the “WEBSITE,” is the online store (e-shop) of the “BEAUTY MAZE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, trading as “BEAUTY MAZE” hereinafter referred to as “BEAUTY MAZE,” headquartered in Gerakas, Attica, at 18 Spaton Ave., 15344, with VAT number: 802209106 and GEMI number: 172156501000, phone: 2106613294, 6976827227 email: The purpose of this is to provide information and protection to users navigating the website, offering electronic sales of cosmetic products by BEAUTY MAZE, as well as aesthetic machines, accessories, perfumes, etc. Users are requested to familiarize themselves with the following terms and conditions. The use of the website implies complete acceptance without reservation of the terms and conditions mentioned herein. BEAUTY MAZE reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions of sale at any time and undertakes to inform Visitors/Users from this website of any such modification or change. If specific terms are required for the use of a website service, they will apply jointly with the present terms and, in case of conflict, the specific terms will prevail over the general terms. 




The website is the demonstration and distribution online store (e-shop) for the BEAUTY MAZE, with an independent pricing policy, payment terms, and product availability for its Visitors/Users. The Visitor/User is informed about products, ingredients, and prices. After registering on the e-shop by choosing “MY ACCOUNT” and “CREATE AN ACCOUNT,” the user becomes a buyer by placing the corresponding order on the e-shop. The User registers only once by providing an Email Address (e-mail) and a secret Customer Code (password). The User, using the unique combination of Email Address (e-mail) and Password (password) provided, has the following capabilities: A) View the contents of the “SHOPPING CART.” The User can purchase products, change their type or quality in each order. B) Finalize their orders and make payments according to the payment methods provided by the e-shop. C) Modify their Account details as detailed below. D) View their order history, see their credit settlements, and use electronic discount coupons. 




The right to use the website is granted to adults with legal capacity and minors with explicit consent from those exercising their parental custody. BEAUTY MAZE is not responsible for any use by Visitors/Users who do not meet the mentioned criteria. A “Visitor” is defined as any internet user who visits the website without registering on the corresponding e-shop and placing an order. Similarly, a “User” is defined as someone who registers and places any order on the e-shop. 




Information provided during registration: To register on the e-shop and place an order, the User provides the following details: Company name – distinctive title, first name, last name, Email Address (e-mail), Address, ZIP code, City, Country, Region, landline or mobile phone, VAT number, status, and proof of professional status (in the case of registration as a professional). The above details are necessary for processing the User’s order by the e-shop and are used exclusively to fulfill the User’s order. Use of User’s details by the e-shop: The collection of personal data is limited to Users who: 1. Have placed an order on the e-shop, or 2. Have registered through the e-shop page. The collection of personal data is necessary to support their transactions through the website, i.e., to send their purchases and receive special services such as order history, address lists, etc. The website will not distribute the User’s email address or other personal data for marketing purposes without the User’s consent. 




Every order implies acceptance of the general terms and conditions of sale, the acceptance of the general terms of use of the website, personal data, and cookie use without any reservation regarding these terms. The User prepares their order by adding the products they wish to purchase to the “SHOPPING CART” following the step-by-step process outlined on the website. After being prompted to confirm the order, the delivery address for the products, and the invoice delivery address, the User is required to make payment by choosing one of the recommended payment methods. 


The photos depicting the products are indicative and cannot, under any circumstances, be binding for BEAUTY MAZE. Additionally, regarding technical specifications (ingredient catalog, etc.) and product descriptions mentioned on the website, BEAUTY MAZE disclaims any liability regarding their accuracy. The most up-to-date features and descriptions are found on the product packaging. The customer is responsible for the safe handling of products and adherence to safety instructions, as indicated on the packaging or in the product’s instruction sheet. 


The prices mentioned on the website are in euros and include 24% VAT. BEAUTY MAZE reserves the right to modify the prices applied to the products at any time but is committed to applying the prices that were stated on the website at the time of your order. 




The Visitor and User of the e-shop have the following obligations: 

Use the website in a lawful and proper manner, adhering to the Codes of Ethics posted on it and/or stipulated in the applicable legislation. Abstain from any illegal, unethical, unfair, and abusive use of the content and services of the website, and refrain from actions or omissions that may cause damage or malfunction to it or to third parties (including but not limited to violations of the Penal Code, Special Criminal Laws, Telecommunications Legislation, Data Protection Legislation, as well as relevant provisions of Regulations or Directives of the European Union or National Telecommunications Commission, Data Protection Authority, and any other Public or Administrative Authority and Service). 

Not: copy, reproduce, transfer, store, modify, republish, transmit, distribute, sell, publish, execute, download, translate, modify in any way, or announce or use the content of the website for commercial or other purposes, in whole or in part, without the prior written consent of the legal representative of BEAUTY MAZE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, who reserves all legal or contractual rights. 


Not violating any form of third-party Intellectual Property Rights. 


Provide true, complete, and accurate Account Information during registration. Keep the Account Information updated to correspond to the true current personal details. In case of inaccuracies in the User’s registration information, BEAUTY MAZE reserves the right to immediately deactivate the User’s account. 


Maintain the confidentiality and not disclose to third parties his access password to the services of The User is also obliged to immediately inform BEAUTY MAZE by sending an email to about any unauthorized use of his password. BEAUTY MAZE reserves the right to seek compensation from the User in case it suffers any kind of damage from the unauthorized or illegal use thereof. 


Confirm that he has exited his account at the end of each session. 

Provide correct and accurate Payment and Delivery Information for the orders placed on the e-shop. 




Users/visitors who do not trust BEAUTY MAZE are advised not to visit or use this website or the services offered through it. Additionally, users/visitors are urged to use antivirus software protection against electronic viruses, Trojan horses, time bombs, or other harmful programs and elements. 


BEAUTY MAZE is not responsible for side effects and damages resulting from the use of ordered products due to the user’s incorrect product selection, negligent or improper use of the products, or manufacturer’s liability, such as manufacturing defects, inadequate information, or instructions accompanying the products, construction quality, material safety, and actual defects. Our liability in the case of a defective product is limited to the obligation to replace it, provided that the conditions for product return are met. BEAUTY MAZE is not liable for product unavailability due to force majeure, weather phenomena, fire, supplier strikes, illegal behavior of third parties, and, in general, reasons beyond the control of BEAUTY MAZE. 


BEAUTY MAZE is not liable for any temporary or permanent inability to provide its services and for delays in accepting and executing orders and delivering ordered products due to reasons beyond its control, such as force majeure, extreme weather conditions, natural disasters, emergency situations, strikes, fire, malfunctions of affiliated transport companies, accidental worsening or destruction of products before delivery to the user and after they have been dispatched, illegal interventions by the contracting party or third parties, malfunction of the Internet Payment Processing Provider (Bank) or the Hosting Provider or the Internet Service Provider (ISP) or the Access Provider or the user’s terminal equipment, incorrect provision of information by the user, and, in general, any incident that prevents the smooth fulfillment of its contractual obligations. BEAUTY MAZE’s liability is limited to the obligations assumed with the consumer under the contract, and it will make every effort to fulfill these obligations within a reasonable time limit. 


BEAUTY MAZE is not responsible for the poor condition of delivered products, if this is not due to inadequate product storage and all preventive measures that should have been taken have been taken. Information and advice provided by our experienced scientific collaborators on our website regarding health, prevention, beauty, and aesthetics are offered exclusively for informational purposes and do not in any case replace medical advice, opinions, diagnoses, and prescriptions from healthcare professionals, medical authorities, and diagnostic centers that the user of our services must seek and follow for addressing any health issues and daily concerns. The advice and information provided on this website in response to user questions are entirely valid and reliable but are given with the reservation of the accuracy, completeness, and truth of the information provided by the user for the issue at hand, the characteristics of which (information) we are not able nor obligated to verify. In the case of the user providing false, inaccurate, and/or incomplete information, our company is released from liability for the accuracy of the advice provided to the user and for any damage to the user from information or advice unsuitable for their needs. 


The present online store provides the content (e.g., information, names, photos, illustrations, etc.), products, and services available through this website “as is,” without any express or implied warranty in any way. Additionally, BEAUTY MAZE does not guarantee that the content of this website and the quality of the services provided through it will meet the needs, requirements, and expectations of users/visitors. Any direct, consequential, incidental, indirect, or punitive damages arising from accessing this website or using it do not create liability for BEAUTY MAZE, its executives, employees, or collaborators. 


BEAUTY MAZE is not responsible in any case for any legal (civil and/or criminal) claims or damages (positive, special, or depositary, including but not limited to loss of profits, data, foregone profits, financial satisfaction, etc.) arising for users/visitors of this website or third parties, due to issues related to the operation or non-operation and/or use of the website and/or the inability to provide services and/or information provided through it and/or from any unauthorized interventions by third parties in products and/or services and/or information provided through it. 


Furthermore, BEAUTY MAZE assumes absolutely no responsibility for damage or harm, or infection by electronic viruses and/or other malicious programs, to the user’s electronic computer or other electronic means used for accessing this website, nor is it responsible for damage related to the inability to execute, error, omission, interruption, defect, operation delay, or system line drop, etc. 


This website, to facilitate and serve its users/visitors, may provide links through “hyperlinks” or advertising banners to websites and webpages of third parties, for the content, personal data protection policy, security policy, completeness, and quality of the services provided, or the terms of use of those. BEAUTY MAZE cannot guarantee nor bear any responsibility. The connection to these websites and pages is the sole responsibility of each user/visitor. The above-mentioned third parties, providers of these websites and pages, bear full (civil and criminal) responsibility for the security, legality, and validity of the content of their websites and pages, excluding any liability of BEAUTY MAZE, such as, indicatively, liability regarding third-party intellectual property rights. Consequently, users/visitors are obliged to address directly the above-mentioned third-party providers for anything that may arise from visiting or using their websites and pages. Despite the fact that users/visitors of this website accept that BEAUTY MAZE is neither obligated nor able to control the security and content of both the websites and pages of third parties and the services of third parties, to which it provides access, BEAUTY MAZE is entitled at any time to remove, modify, or terminate any third-party service or link to third-party websites and pages if, in its judgment, the law is threatened or violated, or these Terms are violated. 



If any of the above terms and conditions of use is deemed invalid either due to a change in legislation or for other reasons, this does not affect the validity of the remaining General Terms and Conditions of use. This specific user agreement is governed by the provisions of Greek Law, the directives and regulations of European Law, and the relevant international provisions, interpreted based on the principles of good faith, business ethics, and the economic and social purpose of the right. If any provision is found to be contrary to the law and therefore void or cancelable, it ceases to be valid automatically, without affecting the validity of the remaining terms in any case. No modification of the terms of this specific agreement will be considered or become part of it unless it is formulated in writing and incorporated into it. The competent courts for any disputes arising related to this agreement are the courts of Athens.